Monday, June 25, 2012

Back in the Saddle ... Again

Well, it's been almost a year since I had french toast in Salt Lake City.

I will try to fill in the blanks of the last year as we go along; for now, let's get this thing started again ...

I decided it couldn't get any hotter, so I clipped in and headed to the boat.  Oh yeah ... we've moved.  We left New Braunfels in October and moved to the north side of Canyon Lake.  It's a wonderful house and we love it.  Although it's about 5 miles of walking for Jesus, it's 13 miles on the bike around the lake for me to get to the boat.

Did I mention how hot it was?

During the Race Across the West last year, I enjoyed the greatest fitness of my life.  I still remember climbing into Durango with Ron and asking him, "What if this is as good as it gets?  Is it going to be all downhill from here?"

Maybe.  After RAW, my saddle sores became infected which turned into an extended absence from the bike and all my hard-earned fitness evaporated.  When I tried to return, I was plagued by some kind of odd pinched-nerve injury which prevented me from riding for several months.

Even though I wanted to get back on the bike, the downhill plunge had its own inertia, and it's been tough to get going.

Well, I've set my sights on RAW again in 2013 and today's the first day.

It was hot.  It was hard.  But, I know it has to be done.

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