Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Been a While, But ...

I've been busy.  Very busy.

My training's going well.  I've gotten over the hump, and I'm enjoying riding again.  It doesn't mean it's been an easy road though ... in fact, there have been quite a few obstacles along the way.

Low water crossings everywhere!
If I had one of these at work, it would make my training a little easier:

Speaking of work, I flew one of our new 737-800s to Chicago the other day.  The -800 carries 175 passengers compared to our normal load of 137.  It's loooong!

I was able to finally take a bike out to Las Vegas.  I bought a single-speed Trek Soho, and it's AWESOME!

I rode it over to REI and outfitted it with a rear rack, a rear bag (with panniers), and some new grips.

Claire actually made it out to Vegas last week and we managed to spend some time at a very nice resort and casino.  It's called Green Valley Ranch and Casino.  Check it out.

OK.  Well, I've made it my goal to ride 500 miles in July.  I'll write more about that later.

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