Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tough Day Today

Can you see the problem in the weather depiction to the right?  Riding out to TLU and back is basically a north-south operation.  Now, do you see the problem?

It was only a 31-mile round trip.  I got to TLU (southbound) in 45 minutes.  Coming back (northbound) was a different story: it took me 1 hour 22 minutes.

The problem was not that it was 97 degrees.  The problem was the north wind at 17 knots gusting up to 24 knots!

I have not had many miserable days on the bike, but the return trip today was one of them.  I was maxed out heading into the crushing wind doing a whopping 11-12 mph!

At times, I wish I could've just quit, but I knew quitting wasn't an option.  So, I just put my head down (literally) and gutted it out.

Claire tried to paint a happy face on my suffering by saying, "Well, at least it was good training."  It was.  But I'm not fond of suffering and suffering was what was going on.  I hate headwinds!

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