Saturday, August 25, 2012

Training Going Well

My goal is to get 1,500 miles in my legs before the race in October.  I got 500 in July, August's a little thin so far.  I'll be doing a big ride next week in order to hit my target for the month.  September will be harder to hit the mileage target because I'm going to start doing more intensity than time/distance -- can you say "hill repeats?"

My partner, Carol, is doing IronMan Canada this weekend!  She's a great athlete and I'll be a giant anchor for her during this race.  But, it'll still be fun, I think.

Dex Tooke, from Del Rio, is putting on the race.  He is one of a handful of over-60 individuals to successfully complete the Race Across America solo!  I highly recommend his book titled "Unfinished Business."  You can find it at the Kindle store or check out his website.

Another excellent book you might want to read is Rich Roll's "Finding Ultra."  His story is inspiring and has caused me to attempt to change my diet.  For those of you who know me, you probably realize my "if it's green, I don't eat it" strategy is probably not the best idea.  I'm trying to change.  I just made a delicious smoothie ... and yes, that green stuff is called "kale."

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