Thursday, June 28, 2012


River Road Ice House
Well, I didn't want to get up at 6 am, but I did.  I rolled out at 7 am with the temperature at 70 degrees -- that's about as good as it gets for summertime in Texas.  River Road was quiet and I'm happy to report good progress.  I've ridden 4 days in a row, and overnight, it appears my body has made some adjustments.  My heart rate remained steady at about 70% of max except when climbing when it would go up to 80-85% of max and return to 70% quickly.  Good news.

Gotta go to work tonight.  AUS-HOU-MDW-PHX.  Hopefully, will return home Friday morning and get in a hot, afternoon ride!

1 comment:

RocDoc said...

are you training for something special or just honing that rock hard riders body you have?